When you start to consider the risks and liability that comes with owning a property, it can make a person very nervous. Premises liability comes with the ownership of a building or facility frequented by other people. This area of the law covers your physical safety when you’re on a property owned by someone else. It also governs your property when a worker or even a friend comes to visit.

This article looks at some of the more common types of injuries that can occur and the legal ramifications if something unexpected happens to you or a visitor on your property.

Types of Injuries that Can Occur

We’re sure you’re familiar with the phrase, “Anything that can happen – will happen.” That is certainly true when it comes to accidents that can occur in a building, parking lot, or other venues. Some of the most common types of premises liability cases that we’ve seen include:

– Debris or ice on a sidewalk that causes a trip and fall accident
– Broken and cracked sidewalks causing a person to fall
– Rides that break at amusement parks, causing injury to a rider, or hitting your head on the cement at a public pool
– Objects falling from overhead
– Dog bites
– Injuries on escalators or elevators
– Chemical leaks or toxic fumes
– Falls on staircases
– Wet floors and slip and fall injuries

Did you know there is even a subset of Maryland premises liability that includes security negligence? For example, if a building security light is broken and you are attacked, the owner of the building may be negligent for failing to maintain safe conditions on their property. Inadequate security cameras or procedures, a failure to maintain key control, or other issues can impose liability on the premises owner.

The key issue in these cases is that a Maryland attorney specializing in premises liability must prove that the owner of the property should have known about the hazard and taken steps to prevent it. Too, the person seeking justice must prove that they didn’t realize the hazard existed. These two pieces are a very important part of the litigation puzzle in these cases, but ones that just won’t fit right unless you have an experienced legal team on your side.

Premises Liability in Maryland

Premises liability hinges on the ability of the injured party to prove that the property owner was negligent in their duties toward property upkeep and that caused harm. A judge or jury determines this liability, which is why an experienced lawyer is so important to your case. Gathering evidence in the form of photos, witnesses, police reports, or other documentation, while negotiating with insurers and filing for trial, are all important elements of a law firm skilled in these cases.

Establishing or negating legal negligence is very tricky, so the skill of your personal attorney is particularly important in these cases.

If you are the property owner and someone has been injured, or if you are the injured party, we highly recommend you contact us immediately for a confidential assessment of your rights and responsibilities under Maryland law.  We’re here to help.



Your Legal Rights When Injured in a Slip and Fall Accident